Baile de Magos in Adeje Tuesday 29 May

Started by aspasia, Mon 28 May 2012, 14:03

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The traditional Baile de Magos, Country Ball, organized by the Adeje Folklore School, will take place tomorrow, 29 May from 9pm in Plaza de España in Adeje. Although Magos means "magician", these dances are so called because in the Canaries, it has a particular meaning of campesino – country person, peasant, someone living in a particular locality. The Bailes de Magos are held all over these islands, and are both extremely popular and a good chance to see real local culture, with performances, competitions and food, in action. The Plaza de España in Adeje is the new square between the town hall and the church at the top of Calle Grande, as I posted HERE.