Arona's new "rapid intervention brigade" of plain-clothes policemen will be watching you

Started by Janet, Tue 28 Jan 2014, 09:30

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As part of new bylaw regulations for rubbish disposal (see HERE) Arona Ayuntamiento is employing plain-clothes policemen to ensure the public in the municipality comply. The police will focus on areas known as blackspots, often in the borough's tourist areas where establishments and residents pile rubbish up at bins which are already full, or throw it out during daylight hours. In Arona, rubbish hours are from 8pm to midnight, and rubbish must be taken out in closed bags. For some other municipalities, please see the link above.

Environment councillor Antonio Sosa said that he was determined to ensure that thoughtless rubbish disposal did not give Arona a bad tourist image. He added that the same plain-clothes officers – the new brigadas de intervención rápida (rapid intervention brigade) - would also patrol during the evenings to control street traders, and dog owners who failed to clean up after their pets. Between eight and twelve police will be involved in monitoring "civil behaviour" in the areas, particularly, of Los Cristianos and Playa de las Américas. JA


Quote from: Janet on Tue 28 Jan 2014, 09:30where establishments and residents pile rubbish up at bins which are already full, what are they supposed to do with that rubbish? Dump it on the beach where there are no ayuntamiento employees?


Why do they need to be 'rapid'? :) Having watched a woman one day manoeuvring her car for an age until she got close enough to the bin so she could throw her bag of rubbish near to the bin without having to get out of the car!! speed is not necessary.