Donating a body to science

Started by aspasia, Tue 10 Apr 2012, 00:40

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I have been asked several times about the possibility of leaving a body to science in Tenerife. Sometimes this has been, putting it bluntly, to avoid funerary expenses. Other times, though, people genuinely want to do something useful with their remains after their death.

A promotional campaign has been running for around five years now to inform the public on the possibility of donating a body to science, and Diario de Avisos has a piece (HERE), for example, on "the dead who give life", perhaps by giving students the means to learn from practical experience, or by allowing doctors and forensic scientists to test or improve surgical or pathological techniques.

It's important to note that written consent needs to be given in advance. Foreigners need to complete a form in triplicate, and have their signature witnessed by the British Consulate. This can be done at the southern surgery (see HERE), but whether in the south or in Santa Cruz, they must take their passport with them, and pay the consulate fee of €24. Once the forms have been signed and stamped, the donor has to send one copy to the University and leave another at the British Consulate; the third copy is for the donor's own records.  If anyone wants to do this, they can download the form from the link on my site HERE.


I do rather like the sound of that  :clap:  Can you state a preference for the sort of project you want to be used for, or do you just donate and accept the "luck of the draw"?
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I think you just take the luck of the draw .... one could state a preference, of course, but how would one ever know ......  :-X


Or perhaps more importantly, if one did know, how would one ever protest?  :toothygrin:
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

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