Salvados - Jordi Evole

Started by El Profesor, Thu 23 May 2013, 13:38

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El Profesor

Those of us who have Spanish TV might have noticed how all our favourite current affairs presenters disappeared after the election.
Can you imagine a party winning an election in Britain and immediately sacking Jeremy Paxman because ...... ? Just couldn't do it there.
So, in Spain, prestigious programmes that everybody has watched for a generation, like "Informe Semanal" have seen their ratings fall through the floor .... another corrupted and abused Spanish treasure.

But the channel reaping the rating benefits of this sad state of affairs is La Sexta.

If there is one programme that you cannot miss .... ever, if you live in Spain, that programme is "Salvados" Sunday evenings at 8.30 (Canarian time) on La Sexta.

Jordi Évole might look like a complete dick, but he is in fact quite simply a genius. He is a master at what he does and humbly uses the fact that he looks like a complete dick to great effect .... this was actually very funny a while back when great and powerful people weren't expecting it.

Nowadays he is one of the most famous people in Spain so he doesn't catch them unawares anymore, but with consistent hard work, preparation and a spark of genius, he is still putting out unmissable stuff.

Here he is interviewing Assange in London. And he doesn't give interviews to anyone.
This was part of a long programme about the lack of any transparency laws in Spain.

There are six or seven classics I'd like to post ...... the one about mortgages for example ..... but let's not overdo it

However, one of my favourites is this interview with a Spanish immigrant in Switzerland who is now a politician in the Swiss Socialist Party. The programme that week was dealing with the political paralysis and total lack of democratic participation in Spain. Half way through (long, well researched programmes) the programme exploring cases of civil unrest he asked a political activist in Andalucia where in the world he could find the sort of democracy he was advocating, he gave Switzerland as an example of the contrasting opposite of Spain. So he jumped on a plane and flew there.
Wonderful interview - At one point he is reduced to tears by the thought of politicians uniting because of the mere suggestion of a public referendum -
"That has only ever happened once in Spain" he says - "and that was only because Angela Merkel told us to reform the constitution."

Here's an old one where he makes much of not taking Mariano Rajoy at all seriously, but succeeds in making him very nervous .... body language.
So don't miss
Jordi Évole, El Follonero in Salvados on Sunday evenings .... good stuff

As they say in Spain "le quito el sombrero"


Article about him here.

Ellipsed finite verb.


Call me Mr. Shallow, but I like Atrapa el Million on Antenna 3.

Carlos Sobrera is funny, and even with my limited Spanish, I can answer most of the questions!


Carlos Sobrera is fantastic!

I'm going to give Jordi Évole a look, though!

El Profesor

Actually, the interesting one is on now. Just started 9:30

El Profesor

For anybody who is interested HERE is the whole programme  on the transparency laws. It's divided up into 6 parts with a short advert when it jumps from one to the other.
From a Spanish point of view the Assange interview is perhaps the least interestting part.
The girl in the Crystal Palace in Madrid is charming, the video footage of the streets of London is wonderful, the interview with the Welsh MP is inspirational.

Next Sunday, last in the series, it will probably be explosive.

El Profesor

Yay! Football analogies and comparisons with Michael Moore.

That's 20:30 in Canarias