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Three policemen get a public mention for actually doing their job

Started by Perikles, Fri 14 Jun 2013, 11:11

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Three policemen have deserved public mention (according to the chief of police) here because they found a handbag with €600 euros in it belonging to an elderly** British tourist and..... (drumroll)......


...found her and gave it back.

Why is this so amazing that it needs a mention?

**shit - she's my age.


It says more about the police in general than the three honest officers :undecided:

El Profesor

To me it says more about the expectations of the police.

I moved to Spain in the 1980's. The Franco regime had ended a decade before and the country was still going through a cultural, social and political upheaval.
One of the numerous differences I observed ... (I could write a book on the catholic/protestant  thing) ... was the public perception of the police.
I came from a country where the police were looked upon as public servants. Even though the Thatcher government did everything they could possibly do to change this perception in the 80`s, there lingered a deep cultural understanding that "the police are there to protect me" .... you could even ask them for directions in the days before GPS.

Moving to Spain the contrast was stark. People tiptoed and cowered when the police were around, "the police are there to control me" was the prevalent feeling. And it very quickly became clear that this was the perception the police had of themselves too. They were very definitely running the show in those days.

And even today the public expectations of the police are not that different to those of politicians.
A shrewd observation there Penkles .... even now there are still little details, like that article, that remind me of where they are coming from.