Canarian Unions call general strike

Started by Janet, Mon 29 Apr 2013, 13:46

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Unions have called a general strike in the Canaries protesting at the Canarian Government's policies which, they argue, have  resulted in the appalling unemployment statistics in the islands. It's likely that the strike will be on 1 May, but the date is still to be confirmed. Secretario general of the Canarian UGT, Gustavo Santana, said that the blame cannot be laid at Madrid's door alone because the regions had control over health, education, social protection, and employment policies.

Sr Santana said that the Canarian Government is blind to the social reality in the islands, as demonstrated by their continuation with policies which have been shown to be total failures over the last five years. The Unions involved are the UGT, CCOO, FSOC, STPA Canarias, STEC, COBAS, USO, Sindicato de la Elevación, and the Colectivo Independiente Guaguas, between them representing some 93% of syndicated union membership in the archipelago. JA

El Profesor

I think they should forget about strikes and go straight to revolution. The only way in a country with no democracy.


Please let the airport be working on 3rd May!


Unions have said that they are considering July for the general strike unless there are "significant changes" in regional and national government policy. Just before the May Day protest in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the CCOO and UGT regional secretaries, Juan Jesús Arteaga and Gustavo Santana,  said that they would be discussing this over the next few days. There were protests, also, involving thousands throughout all the Canary Islands, all calling for new economic policies to create growth and employment, and rejecting austerity and cuts. JA