Spain says good bye to Texaco

Started by Guanche, Tue 14 Aug 2012, 19:40

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It would appear that the Spanish petroleum company Cepsa has bought out Texaco in Spain. We had two Texaco garages near us and for the past couple of days they have been busy changing the names.


This is weird because all our Cepsa garages have been bought out by Disa!!  :017:


I think Disa and Cepsa are part of the same company? If not they do have some connection in the Canaries, although not sure what.


Yes, but does this make any difference to anything? When I get petrol, I don't even register what the name of the place is. Petrol is petrol.  :017:


Quote from: Perikles on Wed 15 Aug 2012, 08:06
Yes, but does this make any difference to anything? When I get petrol, I don't even register what the name of the place is. Petrol is petrol.  :017:

I must admit we always try and use the same petrol, chemical formula and all that... But the real point, for me, is that now there is less competition and we all know what that means........