Canarias Folk Fest - most Thursdays in Los Cristianos from November to March

Started by Janet, Fri 20 Oct 2017, 13:49

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Arona Ayuntamiento has announced one of its regular series of Canarias Folk Fests in the Plaza de La Pescadora on the harbour promenade in Los Cristianos. Typical Canarian foods, arts and crafts will all be on display, with a traditional Christmas market, music, dancing, etc. The markets start at 4pm, and evening entertainment around 8.30pm, and as the poster shows there will be several of these events a month over the whole Christmas period, running every Thursday from 16 November to 14 December, and again from 11 January to 22 February, and finally on 15 and 22 March.


Ellie told me about this, I think as folk musicians ourselves its something we can't miss!

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Then you are in for a treat - you will both be amazed and I hope you enjoy it all!