Winter flu vaccination campaign 2017

Started by Janet, Fri 20 Oct 2017, 13:13

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Canarian health department Sanidad's 2017 winter flu vaccination campaign has started, with vaccinations available from health centres from this coming Monday, 23 October. Sanidad says that it will not cease in its efforts to continue to increase the numbers covered by the vaccine, especially among the most vulnerable, and reminds the public that even though there has not been an epidemic in the last few years, hospital A&E units are still overwhelmed each winter with numbers needing assistance.

Those in the groups most at risk are the elderly, the chronically ill, those with respiratory conditions, pregnant women, the morbidly obese, and health workers themselves. Sanidad has bought over a quarter of a million doses, including some with adjuvant (an addition to the vaccine to increase the immune system's response), distributed throughout the Canaries. Yet again the public generally and especially anyone at risk from flu complications are urged to see their doctor or call 012 as soon as possible to arrange a vaccination appointment the 23rd.


Anne 2009

The doctors surgery rang up on monday with an appointment for Kev to have his. He doesn't like injections  :D


Had mine a couple of weeks ago. Arm not as tender afterwards as previous years. Those who are advised to have it don't even need an appointment at the Doctor's - local chemists give them without an appointment. You can also pay at supermarkets to have one if your not entitled to a free one eg - you are not in the age range / don't have particular medical conditions.


I think you can buy these in chemists here too, but it will be full price. Appointments needed at surgeries here for jabs, though they have specific slots so it's not a normal doctor appointment.


Got mine a few weeks ago at our doctors walk in clinic. No after effects.


I'm very pro-vaccination ordinarily, and I've had plenty of respiratory problems in my time, but I won't have these. They are never dealing with the virus at the moment, as I understand it, so I can't see how they work anyway, but the last time I had one a few years ago I had six weeks of people sticking needles in my eyes afterwards ... at least that's what it felt like. Six weeks, constant. I won't have one again.