Proposed Spanish tax changes cover range of fiscal matters

Started by Janet, Thu 13 Jul 2017, 10:05

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I'm grateful to Paul Montague of Blevins Franks for the following information about proposed Spanish tax changes. As Paul says, Blevins Franks hopes the following is useful, and they will keep us updated with further news in this regard. Naturally any questions concerning the following or tax matters in general should always be directed to qualified tax advisers like Paul because they are both informed and up-to-date, and so their advice is not only confirmed but current. Paul's and Blevins Franks details are on my website.

A new autonomo law will be approved shortly:

There has been an agreement between different Spanish political parties, so it is likely that a new 'autónomos' law is to be approved possibly during July.

The future new law, whose official name is Ley de Reformas Urgentes del Trabajo Autónomo, will include several improvements for self-employed individuals in Spain, including amongst other:

* Being able to combine 100% of state pension and self-employment income when the individual has employees. Currently, this is possible but only 50% of the state pension is received.
* Possibility of extending the €50 self-employment tariff from 6 months to 1 year.
* Possibility of applying 12 euros per day as a deduction for lunch.
* Possibility of applying a 20% deduction of utility bills (e.g. water, electricity, telephone, etc.) if the self-employed individual works from home.
* Accidents on the way to/from work (in itinere) will be recognized for self-employed individuals.

The 2017 Spanish budget has finally been approved:

On 29 June, the 2017 Spanish general budget came into force a day after being published in the Spanish Official Gazette ('BOE').

No relevant changes regarding personal income tax and wealth tax were introduced. Most of the new rules affect corporation tax, VAT and other local and special taxes.

The official interest rate for Fiscal Year 2017 has been approved as 3%.

New DGT ruling about the 150% penalty for Modelo 720:

The Spanish 'Dirección General de Tributos' ('DGT') has just published a new binding ruling (V1434-17) analysing the consequences of submitting the Modelo 720 late, but voluntarily (i.e. without any request made by the Spanish Tax Office).

This is the first ruling about the Modelo 720 penalties, and it has only been ruled on three years after the question was sent to the Spanish DGT.

According to this ruling, if the Modelo 720 is submitted late but voluntarily and the undeclared assets are regularized by submitting an amended tax return to declare the unrealized capital gains, the 150% penalty can be avoided.

The reasoning behind is that is that the objective of the voluntary regularization is to collect the unpaid debt on a voluntary basis by the taxpayer.

Please bear in mind that the Modelo 720 law remains the same until Spain decides to change it, or until the EC or the ECJ forces Spain to change it as the penalties are considered disproportionate and against the EU principles.

However, this is a good argument to encourage taxpayers who were not compliant with the Modelo720 in the past, to voluntarily regularise their situation without necessarily facing massive penalties.

Possible income tax reduction for Fiscal Year 2018:

Spanish Tax Minister Cristóbal Montoro recently mentioned during a press conference that there is a margin to slightly reduce personal income tax for Fiscal Year 2018.

This is because the political party Ciudadanos requested a personal income tax reduction for next year in exchange of their support for the 2018 budget.

It looks like this will only affect the lowest tax brackets, reducing the tax payable for taxpayers on lower incomes.

Thus, Albert Rivera, the Ciudadanos leader, has just announced that the current limit of €22,000 to submit a Spanish tax return for residents will be reduced to €14,000, and these taxpayers will not have to pay income tax. Other tax cuts will also be available for the bracket up to €17,500.

We will have to wait until further details are provided, possibly in the general budget for Fiscal Year 2018.

Spanish Constitutional Court declared the 'tax amnesty' unconstitutional and void:

On 8 June 2017 the Spanish Constitutional Court declared the Spanish 'tax amnesty' unconstitutional and void.

The 'Declaración Tributaria Especial' which was its official name, was approved in 2012 by a Royal Decree-Law 12/2012 of 30th March 2012 and allowed individuals who were not compliant with taxes in Spain in the past to regularize their situation by paying 10% of the acquisition value of the undeclared assets. No other penalties, late payment penalties and fines were payable.

Around 30,000 people took advantage of this scheme, which was very controversial, especially because some politicians who have been recently involved in corruption cases signed up for this 'tax amnesty'.

The reasoning behind this decision is because according to the Spanish Constitutional Court, the law that approved this extraordinary measure was against Article 31 of the Constitution, which stresses the obligation to all individuals to participate in maintaining public funds.

In effect, this case has illustrated a conflict between separate provisions within the Spanish Constitution and the incorrect application of a Royal Decree Law. Whilst the effects of the ruling are somewhat unclear it is believed that the decision will not lead to the retrospective collection of the taxes that were not collected as a result of the 'amnesty'.