21st Las Galletas Half Marathon 2 April 2017

Started by Janet, Fri 3 Feb 2017, 11:20

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Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Greetings sports fans! 

After an afternoon's snooze, I can report that I did indeed finish and did not win a blessed thing as anticipated. 

I was worried about the calima but on exiting the car in Las Galletas it was uncomfortably cool, for which I was grateful.  It never got too hot on the run.  From there you can normally see Teide as clear as anything and today only a few peaks in the foreground stood out, such as El Roque. 

The worst problem was over-the-hill men runners who (once again) decided to use me as their pacemaker.  What they do is, run in front until they tire, then walk.  You keep a constant pace and pass them.  After a few meters, they start running again until they overtake you, then start walking again.  You keep a constant pace and pass them.  After a few meters.....  I find it quite annnoying and rude.  I trained, you bastards, and my running plan does not include carrying you through.  I thought I'd lost the assholes before the 5km mark, but as I approached 7km, I heard heavy footsteps and heavy breathing.  I resisted the urge to turn around to see if I was about to be attacked and throttle someone.  That horrid surge happened twice then I picked it up for a very short while and lost those fucking losers. 

This is second time in as many races that this has happened.  It happened to me in the race in Santa Cruz in November too.  In that race, the bastard would not let go and raced ahead of me at the finish line.  Asshole of the first order. 

For my part, I inspired a few people.  They took one look at a woman my age overtaking them and decided, NFW is she going to beat me.  They picked it up and disappeared into the distance.  Good for them. 

Today, as always, the support was excellent.  They had a snare drum band at several points and they were superb.  The crowds cheered all of us on and as I approached the end, so many runners who had finished said the usual "venga, ánimo, vamos".  One non-runner cheered me on with "venga señora".  Clapping and shouting - you felt like a million bucks.  As I rounded the corner to the finish line the entire collection of onlookers cheered and clapped and shouted; for Christ's sake I felt like a winner, not a back marker.

At the end they had the usual rehydrating drinks and oranges and bananas.  This year, they had a guy handing out very well received ice creams. 

This is the most well organised superb race which I can't praise enough. 


If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

My other website: verygomez.com
Instagram: novahowardofficial


Anne 2009

Well done @Myrtle Hogan-Lance . It must be a fabulous feeling knowing you have successfully completed it.  :clap:


[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin:



Myrtle Hogan-Lance

They're fine @Marion, thanks.  Wish I could say the same for the spot on the inside of my arm where my phone's armband rubbed it raw.  El oucho!