Tenerife Cabildo information session about clausulas suelo and mortgage costs court rulings

Started by Janet, Tue 10 Jan 2017, 23:49

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ADICAE is holding an information meeting at 5pm today in its centre at 28 C/. Juan Rumeu García, Cruz del Señor in Santa Cruz (Cruz del Señor is itself a stop on the tram from Santa Cruz to La Laguna). The meeting is an open one, no registration is required, and it's free. ADICAE will explain first hand to those affected by clausulas suelos how to proceed in a class action to recover monies that the banks are required to repay under the terms of the ECJ ruling.

As I expected previously, at least one bank has tried to make "offers" in settlement, and there is now at least one legal action against that bank for this because the banks are required to repay their illegally charged interest payments in full. ADICAE says that its legal action will be "to reover the whole of monies taken fraudulently from customers cheated by the banks".

The meeting will also cover proposals to incorporate action against banks for further attempted abuses like trying to get customers to renounce their legal rights, and in one case, of making an offer for customers to renounce all claims and get "special rates" that were actually worse than the situation the customers were already in.

Anyone who attends should take their mortgage escrituras if at all possible because ADICAE will help people find out if they have any claim, or if there's a clausula suelo in the document. This is all free, and ADICAE says that it will also be issuing warnings against a new proliferation of "professional offices" which have sprung up to make money out of helping people who have already been ripped off once. There is more information HERE, and the maps below show the general area of Cruz del Señor as well as the location of ADICAE from the tram stop (please click to see full size).

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Santiago del Teide Ayuntamiento will be holding an information talk this Wednesday, 8 February, at 6pm in Puerto de Santiago. The meeting will be held in the Centro Social La Vigilia II, and there will also be an adviser from the financial services users association ADICAE who is attending at the request of the council. The council says it is hosting the event because of the numbers of enquiries it has received from the public, especially in the Puerto Santiago and Los Gigantes areas.

Adeje has also announced the same, to be held in the Cultural Centre on Wednesday, 15 February, at 6pm, again with expert advice from ADICAE.


Cliodna O'Flynn will be talking about yesterday's meeting in Adeje, and the subject in general, with me on Adeje Radio Sur in English Time, starting in about ten minutes.

Listen online HERE.
