Adeje hosts Spanish national badminton championship

Started by Janet, Wed 19 Apr 2017, 14:18

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Adeje Ayuntamiento has announced that the Spanish Senior Badminton Championship will be in held in the Las Torres pavilion between 29 April and 1 May, with over 200 athletes from 26 clubs expected to take part. The age-range for seniors is 30–75. Entry to the matches will be free.

At a press conference to announce details of the event Adeje sports councillor Adolfo Alonso said "This is the first time that the Canary Islands are hosting a championship at this level in the sport", with 10 top names in the sport already confirming their presence at the event."

"Adeje's commitment to sport and sports men and women is a fundamental part of our annual scheduling", said the councillor, adding that the council didn't simply work with local athletes but also worked to bring national and international tournaments and sporting individuals to the borough, to encourage those from Adeje in their chosen sports.

Canarian Badminton Federation president Pedro Alonso Hernández thanked the council for their support. He said that Adeje had been chosen due to the high standard of the installations, the excellent hotel offer near to the sports grounds, and the climate, among other reasons.

Also present were the federation secretary, Angel Castillo, and a representative from the Tenerife association of parents of children with autism, (Apanate), who will benefit from a series of solidarity activities during the tournament, such as the sale of commemorative t-shirts.

Anne 2009

Badminton was one of my favourite sports at school, along with hockey.
