Blevins Franks and Adeje FOCUS group post-Brexit presentation 22 February

Started by Janet, Tue 7 Feb 2017, 09:34

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The Adeje FOCUS group which organized last year's public meeting shortly before the Brexit referendum has now collaborated with Blevins Franks to provide an information meeting for fiscal advice and a discussion in general about how best we British residents in Tenerife can position ourselves during the UK Government's Brexit negotiations with the EU given the inevitable general lack of clearly defined information available at present. The meeting, which will again be held in the auditorium of the Adeje Cultural Centre, is on Wednesday, 22 February, 4-6pm.

Clio O'Flynn, who works for Adeje council in building and maintaining links with the foreign resident community, will be giving a short presentation on the Padrón (resident register), what it is, who is is for, and why registering benefits both you and the council.  If you have any specific questions about the Padrón that you would like addressed, please just either post them in the comment box below, or email them to me at, and I'll pass them onto her in advance so that she can cover them in the meeting.