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Arona litter - are more leaflets really an answer?

Started by Janet, Mon 13 Oct 2014, 12:28

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Maybe the issue is a difference in cultural expectation. Certainly it's an issue of irony, because at the very point this morning when a post on the Tenerife Residents and Visitors Facebook group was despairing about the litter problem in Los Cristianos, with particular frustration being expressed about Miller Excursions leaflets, Arona council itself was presenting its Arona me importa campaign, with the byline "Guía de buenas prácticas para la Gestión de los Residuos de Bares, Cafeterías y Restaurantes del municipio de Arona" (Good practice guide for disposal of rubbish by bars, cafés and restaurants in Arona).

Clearly the council expects a lot of personal responsibility to be taken in terms of keeping the borough tidy, whereas, culturally, expatriate residents and visitors expect at least part of their rates to contribute towards the council's management and removal of litter, and towards keeping the borough clean and tidy. Contributors to the Facebook post are trying to get local papers interested and are complaining direct to the council. The same is happening with garden waste and dog mess in Palm Mar. Perhaps the council should distribute some of its leaflets to its own departments. The link for the Arona me importa campaign is on my website. It has a clickable link to download the leaflet ... but then again, more leaflets are perhaps not what Arona needs ... JA