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I will never get used to Spain.

Started by Guanche, Wed 9 Jul 2014, 19:07

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This should be two posts really but decided to put them together.

Firstly I have finally come to the conclusion that I will never ever ever get used to the way Spanish speak to each other. This despite being married to one for 40 years and being surrounded by them 24,7.
We were in Leroy Merin today, I picked something up that I thought was €10. When we came to pay we discovered that the item was much more, someone had put them in the wrong place! No problem.......for me, but the wife!

Well it started out so well but quickly escalated to what seemed a full scale row! Now I don't do confrontations very well, and knowing how I get I decided that it was pointless physically dragging the wife away so best extract myself from the situation. Which I did.
The row lasted for at least a minute as I watched from the entrance doors waiting to hear the sound of police sirens approaching. Then the wife and the cashier she was having the row with started laughing!!!!!!!!. The couple who were stood behind them joined in WTF!!!

I just stood there open mouthed. The wife bid fairwell to the cashier and joined me as I walked to the car as if nothing had happened. It was then I decided I would never understand so I should stop trying!

Secondly the wife has finally reverted to being fully Spanish!

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

At times like this, I would really love to hear her side of the story!


She said they were just 'chatting' about prices and people not putting things back. And that was it!!! I didn't bother taking it any futher!