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XXVI Feria del Libro – simultaneous book fair in Tenerife and Gran Canaria

Started by Janet, Wed 21 May 2014, 15:10

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It's an annual event, and this year the 26th Book Fair is being held simultaneously in Las Palmas and Santa Cruz between 28 May and 1 June. The fair is organized by the Canarian Government and the Asociación de Libreros de Tenerife y de Las Palmas, and this year's theme is Leer te hace libre - Reading sets you free. In Tenerife, the fair will be held in Parque García Sanabria.

More than 50 Canarian authors will be there, along with other national and international writers, all on hand to answer questions and talk to the public about their works, and forthcoming projects, and of course there will be stands of books, books and more books! A must for anyone who loves books and reading! For more information, the joint fairs' dedicated website is HERE. JA