The famous Los Realejos Toste brothers’ fireworks competition fireworks 3 May

Started by Janet, Tue 22 Apr 2014, 16:33

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Although not a Tenerife-wide public holiday, a fiesta today in Los Realejos draws people from around the island and even further afield. The Exaltación de la Santa Cruz (Día de la Cruz) is known for providing the best fireworks display in Tenerife, and indeed, one of the ten best in the whole of Spain.

The fiesta is famous for the participation of the Hermanos Toste in a competition between two streets in Los Realejos for the best firework display, a tradition that started, incredibly, in 1770. The Hermanos Toste themselves date back to 1788 and have a factory in Los Realejos, the only one in the Canaries that makes fireworks.

This year's display will be broadcast live as usual, click HERE from 9.30pm, and will once again be a stunning exercise in light, colour and sound. I can confirm that it was completely deafening when I went a few years ago! This short video of 2011′s displays will hopefully give some idea of what to expect. JA
