Movistar VDSL

Started by Myrtle Hogan-Lance, Wed 19 Feb 2014, 14:30

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Quote from: Myrtle Hogan-Lance on Wed  5 Mar 2014, 16:55
.....I've seen the speed tests live and we are on VDSL...

And your reported UL & DL speeds times are?
Never ride faster than your angel can fly.


Quote from: Myrtle Hogan-Lance on Wed  5 Mar 2014, 17:16
Forgot to say that he claims the fibre will be run to Guía later on this year.  That's contrary to Minesadorada's info so I thought I should report it.  As usual we will believe it when we see it.

The fibre passes my urbanization, but when I check with movistar (
"Currently, your building is not in the deployment plans of Movistar. If you're interested in having optical fiber, please leave your details and we'll progress possible."

I hope you are right Myrtle and the website is wrong.

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Quote from: NAH on Wed  5 Mar 2014, 18:43
And your reported UL & DL speeds times are?

DL 30Mb, UL 1Mb, observed.

Quote from: minesadorada on Wed  5 Mar 2014, 20:10
The fibre passes my urbanization, but when I check with movistar (
"Currently, your building is not in the deployment plans of Movistar. If you're interested in having optical fiber, please leave your details and we'll progress possible."

I hope you are right Myrtle and the website is wrong.

I agree with you, I got a similar response when I checked the Movistar site.  But this guy was adamant which is why I flagged it up.  He presumably is a bit more in the know.  As I said, I'll believe it when I see it but we can at least keep our eyes peeled. 


Translation from Canarias 7 website.  Dateline:1 April 2014
QuoteThe telecommunications company Telefonica said Thursday that it will invest 6 million euros in 2014 on the extension of its fiber optic network in Tenerife to 23,500 customers in the municipalities of Candelaria, El Rosario, Guimaras and Arafo.

This expansion of the optical fiber Telefonica joins the company plans to continue the expansion of coverage in Santa Cruz de Tenerife and La Laguna, within the strategic business objective of the company to cover 50 percent of the population Canaries in 2015, said its director in the archipelago, Juan Flores.

Flores was joined in presenting plans fiberoptic 2014 by the mayors of Candelaria, Jose Gumersindo Garcia, Guimaras, Carmen Luisa Castro, and Arafo, José Juan Lemes, as well as Councilman El Rosario José Antonio Estévez .

Fiber optics allow homes and offices of companies hiring Internet access service to 100 megs download speed, which improves and gives access to new high-definition television, games and rapid exchange of large files .

The service does not reach all areas of the municipalities, but the deployment will be a function of demand to be anticipating potential customers, said Juan Flores.

For the deployment of optical fiber existing infrastructure and pipelines for other services, so that it is done with the least possible inconvenience to citizens, he said will be used.

In the case of Candelaria, the initial investment will be two million, with the purpose of covering 12,400 customers and 25 indirect jobs in the deployment of the network.

For Rosario, the investment will reach 1.5 million euros, households and businesses will be covered and 2,100 indirect jobs tenfold.

In Guimaras, Telefónica invested EUR 1.2 million, 15 jobs and coverage will reach 6,000 homes and businesses and include the Industrial Park.

Investment in Arafo be a million euros, with a range of 3,000 customers and creating twelve indirect jobs.

Juan Flores noted that broadband is not supposed advances only for leisure but also for businesses, noting that facilitates teleworking.

This was also one of the points highlighted by the Mayor of Guimaras, where many people who work in Santa Cruz or La Laguna and in many cases may save displacements reside.

The mayor of Guimaras stressed that the optical fiber is another attraction for these municipalities to attracting residents and businesses, in particular stated that the Industrial Park of Guimaras will be more competitive.

The representatives of El Rosario Arafo and emphasized the importance of networks of high-speed data for rural areas, which currently have poor ADSL coverage.

Creeping closer to the west....

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Creeping being the operative word!


It appears if you are within about 1000mts of Schools, municipal buildings, hospitals, etc. (As many of these are already on fibre) you can get vdsl now, Some people now getting it in Chayofa, and Palm Mar.