Carrefour security guards filmed beating up customers who triggered security alarm

Started by Janet, Thu 9 Jan 2014, 12:33

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I for one will be avoiding Carrefour until they sort out their security guard policy ... and compensate this couple



The trouble is that these security guards are always private companies hired on contract. So Carrefour will pass the buck and say it's nothing to do with them. Just like everybody else.


The problem is most people have the attention span of goldfish.

There'll be all sorts of kerfuffle over this for a couple of weeks. There'll be mentions on TV. Irate Facebook users will start pointless pages with thousands of irate posts.

Then nothing.  ::)
[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin:


Just saw this on the TV. Whilst what I saw is appalling I would love to see the whole incident. Unfortunately it would seem that this is not possible just the highlights. I know I some times infuriate people by taking this line, especially the wife! But for the life of me I can't see how it escalated from something we all see every day to this...... or maybe I can


Now come on, G, you are surely not saying that you can envisage any situation where a family can justifiably be beaten up by private security guards ...


I understand what Guanche is saying in that we don't know what led up to it.

I once witnessed an off duty policeman restraining a druggie on the floor and hitting him with a walking stick. Now that wouldn't have looked good on video if it hadn't shown said druggie trying to do the same to the cop immediately beforehand. Luckily, I was the only witness.  :D

Having said that though, how the guy on the right could justify actually punching them..............  :whistle:
[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin:


Quote from: Janet on Thu  9 Jan 2014, 16:15
Now come on, G, you are surely not saying that you can envisage any situation where a family can justifiably be beaten up by private security guards ...

No of course not Janet. From what I see a lot of what goes on is an assault and appalling and should be dealt with by the authority's. But I have been in situations where if you hadn't seen the whole incident you would be quite rightly outraged.

One incident nearly cost me my job and saved the life of my Police dog because it could have been put down. It could even have landed me in jail! Luckily for me as well as the person who only saw the last 50% of the incident there was one person who saw the whole of it, made a statement and saved my bacon! So with that experience in mind I will always err on caution when viewing only part of an incident.

If you break down what you see the assault on the woman seems clear, the rest must depend on what happened prior to the filming taking place.

If it turns out that the whole thing was completely unprovoked assault by the guards then they deserve to be sent to prison and I agree.