Spanish bank sells a "product" to a 4-month-old baby

Started by Perikles, Tue 3 Dec 2013, 18:07

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A court has ordered a bank to indemnify a 4-month-old baby for losses incurred when they sold a "product" to it. The judge decided that the bank was out of order setting something up when the customer was not in a position to understand the arrangement or indeed sign for it.

I'm not totally sure of what happened here, but it seems that the parents set up a savings account for the new child, not reading the small print, and taking on trust the good faith of the bank.  :cheesy:

It's clearly yet another case of a Spanish bank being an unscrupulous thief and people starting to get wise to the fact.



Reminds me of the time I was told to phone a client for something or other.  I phoned and asked to speak to the client by name.  The woman who answered the phone asked what it was about.  I said "Are you xxx yyy?" "No.  She can't come to the phone.  What's this about?"  I said "I'm sorry, I can only speak to the titular of the account.  When can I phone back?" to which the woman replied "And what good do you think it will do to speak to my five-year old daughter?".   :koops:

The woman was seriously peed off but that's what happens when an employee is ordered to deal with a customer they don't know.
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