Canaries to feel indirect effects of edge of hurricane Humberto over next few days

Started by Janet, Thu 12 Sep 2013, 10:28

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El Profesor


If there is any rain todayor Sunday it is coming from the low pressure forming to the north east on the Morrocan coast which is much closer than that hurricane. Your satellite pics are showing a few clouds straggling around the edges . . . . drifting.

It's a bit cloudy.

El Profesor

Just to clarify. The accusation of scaremongering is in no way aimed at our treasured weather poster, who we love dearly.

It is at the meteorologists who have a hurricane in the middle of the ocean and want to tell somebody about it.
In my opinion this one hasn't even been close to us and we've had a couple of cloudy days. This time of year the weather often starts doing this anyway as there is all sorts of stuff, low pressure turbulence off the west coast of Africa. Luckily for us most of it ends up being a Hurricane in Haiti.
If there is any rain this weekend it will come down from the low pressure in Morocco where it is raining a lot, but I doubt much of it will get here.

Two people mentioned the hurricane to me yesterday and told me that we are in for a rough weekend (and they don't read Janet's posts). People are actually walking around in the streets looking up and worrying about a hurricane that isn't anywhere near us. It is bullshit scarmongering.

El Profesor

A friend of mine said jokingly this afternoon that she hopes the hurricane brings some rain, "you know, those great big drops" . . . . .  "What hurricane?" I said.
"Didn't you know?" says she, "There's a hurricane".  :-[

So I asked her where she'd heard about this hurricane. She said that people at work were talking about it, and the manager (director) of the tourist complex where she worked was complaining about having to phone all the clients (tourists) today, with news about the hurricane.
I tried to tell her that it was never going to come anywhere near us . . . . not even close, but she didn't believe me. The meteorologists said there's a hurricane and we are going to have a really rough weekend.

I despair.

Phoning all the panicy tourists!



Not wanting to cast aspersions on your weather forecasters or anything, but the last time I was there they were forcasting a tropical storm which I was quite looking forward.

Zip,  nada, not a sausage.  :whistle:
[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin:


I know the prof will stamp on my head, but I think they're usually very good ... :D

El Profesor

Quote from: minesadorada on Fri 13 Sep 2013, 18:43
El Prof - you are beginning to sound like Michael Fish.....  :D
But I thought Michael Fish was famous for saying nothing was going to happen when it did.
I'm saying that the meteorologists here do the opposite far to often . . . . like this weekend for example.

I don't know if Michael is refering to tropical storm Nadine last year but that was increcdible  . . . Aemet were saying it was coming this way - cue media hysteria and the usual suspects babbling in the street. But I was looking at the computerized projections from the charts in the Atlantic (I download them from an American company) and it was going off in the opposite direction . . . very clearly, and nobody believed me. It never came anywhere near us. People were making jokes about it on the social media in the end

I am not up on any high horse, I am simply bemused by the scaremongering and the incompetent predictions, I mean what should I know . . . they must have access to the same data as me.
Then when they do get it right, which of couse they often do, scaremonger overdrive with coloured alerts and "advice".

I think it could be that my data has no human input, it is all computerized. A human could will a tropical storm this way in order to have have a reason to set the warning systems off - thus justifying themselves.

I am now off to stamp on Janet's head.



Well it's calm enough here anyway.  Sunshine, blue sky and the sea is still but for gently lapping waves on the shore.  It's a lovely morning  :tiphat:
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

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