Voluntary Redundancy

Started by Nova, Wed 12 Jun 2013, 21:13

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Quote from: Nova on Sat 15 Jun 2013, 12:43
I have now had confirmation that the offer is 50 days pay per year worked, subject to the normal deductions for tax and social security, plus two years of paro.  I don't know at what rate the paro would be paid for two years but that could make all the difference to some.  There are changes afoot...

I can't find the link now, but I read somewhere the other evening that the entitlement is now 45 days per year worked before the reforma laboral and 33 days per year worked since the reforma laboral, which kinda makes sense.

Wow, 50,45, or even 33 days is crazy, no wonder so many employers don't give official contracts, with a commitment like that, plus the holiday rules! :03:


I don't think it's much though Del, not as an incentive to give up a regular salary in the present climate  :undecided:
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