Brits thrown in Spanish jail, fined after refusing to pay for unordered paella

Started by Myrtle Hogan-Lance, Mon 10 Jun 2013, 21:25

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Myrtle Hogan-Lance

British couple thrown in Spanish jail and fined £600 after refusing to pay for paella they didn't even order

Naturally it's from the xenophobic Spain-hating DM. 

Something about this article does not ring true.  Like 'After some shoving and pushing police were called'.  I find the whole story hard to believe as I have never experienced anything even remotely like it in Spain. 


I love the way all the comment posters are so very ready to believe the Brits version.  ::)
[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin:


This line to me says it all:

QuoteMr Cox said: 'I'm an ordinary, middle class, respectable citizen who has never had any trouble with the police.

I am far from being an inverse snob but to me the unnecessary inclusion of the term "middle class" indicates an arrogant attitude that probably came across to the poor intimidated waiter as very rude, condescending and aggressive.  I can imagine who threw the first punch and I also wonder which language they complained in.  I don't think shouting the odds in English with a tone of voice that suggests you have your silver spoon wedged up your ass would get anybody very far in a self-respecting Spanish restaurant...
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

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After reading the article through twice a couple of things come to mind.

Firstly, they were dining with another couple so how come there's no corroboration of their story from the other couple?

Secondly, there were two seperate incidents, at the restaurant, then again the following day (presumably with different cops).

It sounds to me like this pair made the mistake of thinking that Spanish cops will tolerate the same abuse that British cops have to put up with.

Big mistake.  :giggle:
[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin:


Yep, my bet is that they became abusive not only with the waiter but also with the police. And it's odd there is no comment from the other couple. Note too that the bill was over €100, a meal for 4 people. A wonder how much of the bill was solid food.  :whistle:

Note too the "...and given nothing to eat or drink until the next morning" Big deal after spending that much in a restaurant.

But the outrage created by a decent English bloke thrown into clink for no reason is much greater than the outrage created by an arrogant prick getting physical with foreign police, so that's what the DM would go with.

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

I wondered why any "ordinary, middle class, respectable citizen who has never had any trouble with the police" would not only let this story become known, let alone contribute to it, and pose for pictures.  Then I realised:  their payment for the article allowed them to recoup their fine.


This comes across to me as someone who likes to think of themselves as an ordinary, middle class, respectable citizen. I think it can be read, however, as "archetypal and stereoptypical Daily Mail reader incarnate" rather than "ordinary, middle class, respectable citizen" ... i.e. aspirational lower middles with an attitude. And it's that "attitude" that is probably at the root of the problem, particularly when it runs up against the Spanish police ...

I know quite a few ordinary, middle class, respectable citizens, and I don't think any of them would wish their story to appear in the Daily Mail ...


Quote from: Janet on Tue 11 Jun 2013, 11:06
This comes across to me as someone who likes to think of themselves as an ordinary, middle class, respectable citizen. I think it can be read, however, as "archetypal and stereoptypical Daily Mail reader incarnate" rather than "ordinary, middle class, respectable citizen" ... i.e. aspirational lower middles with an attitude. And it's that "attitude" that is probably at the root of the problem, particularly when it runs up against the Spanish police ...

I know quite a few ordinary, middle class, respectable citizens, and I don't think any of them would wish their story to appear in the Daily Mail ...

They should have been locked up as soon as they cleared passport control!

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

As we surmised, there is another side of the story.  Congratulations Perikles for your supposition alcohol was involved. 

Cops slam UK press 'paella prisoners' story


Quote from: Myrtle Hogan-Lance on Fri 14 Jun 2013, 17:12
As we surmised, there is another side of the story.  Congratulations Perikles for your supposition alcohol was involved. 

Cops slam UK press 'paella prisoners' story

Drunken Brit tourists? Surely not?  :017:
[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin: