Cabildo asks for help to get Tenerife included in Transeuropean Transport Network

Started by Janet, Mon 8 Oct 2012, 09:56

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The Tenerife Cabildo has asked the British community to help to get Tenerife included in the Red Transeuropea de Transportes (Transeuropean Transport Network). The campaign is being run by "Tenerife se Mueve", a group of different institutions, business associations and local residents of Tenerife with a common interest in making the island the best destination possible for its tourists.

Tenerife se Mueve says:

QuoteIf Tenerife is not included in the network, it will negatively impact the tourism industry and the reality of life here on the island for its visitors.  The island, as a holiday destination, will become more expensive due to the increase in the costs of services and products and the loss of thousand of jobs.

This would mean:
Increase in the price of airlines tickets.
Less direct flight connections to Tenerife.
Increase in the price cost of lodging.
Increase in the price of goods and services

Tenerife would miss out on a total of 50,000 million Euros of EU funds with the corresponding impact this would have on the development of existing infrastructures. Tenerife relays on its airports and ports to attract visitors to the island. We would have to wait until 2050 to have access to the funds necessary for continued development.

If we are included in the Trans-European Transport Network and have  access to these funds, the island would be able to improve its existing infrastructures thereby providing a better service to its tourists.

We kindly request your support for this initiative, by signing the petition attached. Your support is essential for achieving our goal of being included in the Trans-European Transport Network.

Together with your help, we can ensure that Tenerife becomes a better destination for the enjoyment of all.

There was some success last month when the European Parliament accepted amendments to the original proposal which would allow Tenerife to be included, but it seems 100,000 signatures are needed before June 2013 for it actually to form part of the network. You can either sign online by accessing the following link: or personally at any of the Cabildo Citizen's Info Bureau offices (Oficina de Información al Ciudadano). You can find the nearest one to your home address here. JA


I don't mind appearing ignorant so what is the Transeuropean Transport Network?  :undecided:
[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin:


Not ignorant at all. I didn't know either!! HERE and HERE's the EU on the subject.  :tiphat:


I only read as far as 'TEN in the EU Jargon' 'Economic and social cohesion' and 'Interconnection and interoperability'  Before the phrase 'EU Bull S--t' came out of my mouth. I don't think it actually says anything?
Its just another way for for the governments of poorer EU nations to line their pockets with the hard earned tax of richer countries. And of course keeping Eurocrats in jobs.
I will however sign the thing if only for the Spanish side of my family.

I'm afraid the EU is making me radical!!


I too see something along those lines, but it'll benefit the islands, it seems, so it's worth doing just not to lose out!!  :undecided:


The EU Transport Commission has approved the inclusion of Tenerife's airport and port infrastructure into the Basic Transeuropean Network, which means that the island will now have "priority" when presenting projects for finance. The decision was made after almost three horus of voting, and places Santa Cruz as the principal port, along TFS Reina Sofia. The final vote on the project will be taken by the European Parliament early in 2013. Tenerife President Ricardo Melchior expressed his gratitude and said the decision was a giant step forwards for Tenerife. JA


It has been announced that the EU has voted to include south Tenerife's Reina Sofía airport and Santa Cruz port in the Transeuropean Transport Network. Much credit goes to Tenerife Vice President Carlos Alonso and the Tenerife Se Mueve movement. An excellent end to Día de Canarias in Tenerife! JA