Spanish Limbo land.

Started by Guanche, Thu 24 Jan 2013, 20:43

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Quote from: PeriklesWell, he might be a bastard anyway, but on the info given he might just be as much of a victim of these crazy labour laws as your sister-in-law is. If the shop is failing, what choice has he got?

I agree P, on the info I gave your assumption may be valid. But there is a long history and I was trying to keep it as short as possible. He has three shops the business has been failing for about 5 years. Instead of taking the bull by the horns he's done nothing except play golf. He rents two of the shop and is being evicted from one as he owes five months rent.
He has the money but want's to keep it. They have a large house (thats house not flat) in central Santa Cruz and apartments in the South. He is cynically trying to extract himself from the business with out paying even a minimum of what he should. He want's his cake an he want's to eat it at the expense of half a dozen workers, some of whom have worked for him and his father (deceased) for over 30 years. He is a bastard.


Does that mean I shouldn't whinge about the fact that our salaries have been frozen a-bloody-gain??  According to the convenio we're entitled to 1.25% pay increase every January but for the last three years it's been "absorbed", ie. frozen.  Still I guess at least I have an income  :undecided:
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

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Quote from: Nova on Sat 26 Jan 2013, 22:10
Does that mean I shouldn't whinge about the fact that our salaries have been frozen a-bloody-gain?? 

YES  :hug:


Quote from: Nova on Sat 26 Jan 2013, 22:10
Does that mean I shouldn't whinge about the fact that our salaries have been frozen a-bloody-gain??  According to the convenio we're entitled to 1.25% pay increase every January but for the last three years it's been "absorbed", ie. frozen.  Still I guess at least I have an income  :undecided:

I think you can whinge a bit Nova. Only due to the fact that your senior bosses will no doubt be getting their yearly God given bonuses! Paid for by us and your pay freeze :gonnagetit:


Now here is a measure which seems sensible. With the insane cost of being self-employed (min. €250 per month) there is an iniciative to get people under 30 to register as self-employed at a cost of only €50 per month for the first half year, and reductions after that. Too short a period, but it's a start.

El Profesor

Anyone know which is the biggest employer in Tenerife?

The Cabildo. (El Excelentísimo Cabildo Insular de Tenerife) with 6,000 employees maybe? all well paid.

Perhaps the Canarian Government with 30,000 employees over the 7 islands, (laborales) not including the civil servants (funcionarios)? all well paid.

This of course doesn't include any of the Ayuntamientos ......... the Ayuntamiento de Santa Cruz might well be up there in the ranking? all very well paid.

I have noticed that quite a large proportion of my pupils are studying English because they want to emigrate  ... Canada seems to be a popular destination.

Sorry does this post make sense?  ......... I can see the link.


Prof, There is a post/thread of mine about the Canadian Government advertising for Spanish/European workers. Probably why your students mention Canada.

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

Why does Canada want Spanish speakers?  Too many illegal Mexicans?