Your voice in Europe, your vote on May 25th

Started by Janet, Tue 14 Jan 2014, 14:10

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Exactly Janet, that's probably why I feel more ill at ease now than I did before the EU results. Looking through the EU news sheets this morning there is little said about the election and the results. Its acknowledged but that's about it. A few comments about the disenchantment and miss trust of the voters, but nothing that more jobs, a fight on tax evasion and war on crime wouldn't solve. Nothing about a change of direction for the EU or a rethink. I expected more, not sure what of but, just more. Still early days?

Wailing and gnashing of teeth would have been good? :)


Quote from: Pelinor on Tue 27 May 2014, 10:56
I'm beginning to think it would be in the UK's interest not to have a referendum. I have no doubt that over the next couple of years the national governments and the EU management will do a 'Hearts and Minds' job on the public to ensure the UK stays in if there is a vote. I don't think they will have to try all that hard. A few scraps of EU powers returned to National Governments, a large smear campain on the Euroskeptics both left and right, a promise to 'Talk' about immigration and the EU mandarins will have the ball in the bag. Lots can happen in the next three years and the 'Crisis' will be a dim memory. There is no doubt that the UK's economy is improving. That's why they are waiting till 2017 plenty of time for the charm offensive!

But haven't they already tried that? They've done their damndest, ably assisted by our wonderful media, to destroy UKIP but look where it's got them.  :whistle:

They're only delaying the inevitable.

Quote from: Janet on Tue 27 May 2014, 11:02
Couldn't agree more, and it's exactly the lines my mind was chuntering along as I was listening to Dave the other night going on about the Tories being the only party to "guarantee" an in-out referendum. That's precisely what's not needed! What's needed is a "what do you want" referendum ... but they're impossible to compose. Best to stay with the status quo and have the "protest vote" mould policy from the inside!

Aye very good Dave, 'the Tories being the only party to "guarantee" an in-out referendum' when he knows fine fucking rightly they're not going to be in power to deliver it. Bastard.  :banghead:
[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin:


At friggin last!

We've got one terrorist, one DUP and one Ulster Unionist.

Pffft!  ::)
[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin:


I just watched an interesting prog which tried to put both sides of the in/out debate.

Bottom line, if a referendum was held today, 42% would vote out, 31% would vote to stay in and 26% undecided.
[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin: