Aggressive bloody marketing call

Started by Nova, Tue 2 Sep 2014, 14:33

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A short while ago I had a phone call that asked for me by name.  As usual I listened cynically to what they had to say, they knew my NIE number and how much I was paying for my landline/ADSL and the woman led me to believe she was calling from Movistar.  They have a new cheaper tariff I can benefit from and all they would have to do it change the router.  I took the opportunity to ask the burning questions I had about potentially moving to a fusion package but she not only didn't take the opportunity to sell it to me, she skirted round the answer.  Nor did she take the opportunity to point out that she wasn't phoning from Movistar.  Then she asked for my bank account number.  "You already have that" I said.  "I can't see it", she said, "proteccion de datos".  Now I admit I had been a bit naive up until that point and, assuming they were Movistar, I had told her my mobile number.  Movistar always asks for that.  But her insistence over needing my bank details was disturbing, so I started asking questions like who are you and what is your website, questions that she wouldn't answer.  She just kept saying she would phone me later to get my bank details after I had had time to look for them.  As soon as I got off the phone after agreeing nothing other than that they could email information to my spam-catcher email address, I phoned Movistar to make sure the call hadn't come from them.

It wasn't Movistar and god knows who these people are but since then they have been phoning both my landline and my mobile non-fucking-stop!!!  Talk about aggressive!!!!!  Surely even the most target-pressed marketer knows that if somebody ignores their calls over a dozen times they're not going to bloody answer.  And wtf is Movistar giving such detailed information about me to other companies for anyway??  Not happy  :scowl:

Of course, I probably get loads of these bastard calls, it's just that I'm not usually in at this time of day to answer them  ::)
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

My other website:
Instagram: novahowardofficial



Why not use them as entertainng conversation? Ask her very intimate questions and "enjoy" the contact. They'll stop.


Quote from: Janet on Tue  2 Sep 2014, 14:35
Jazztel ...

You're right, I've just googled the number.  What bastards!  They've been calling me for three quarters of an hour now, I turned off my mobile and my landline handset but the base unit was still ringing, so I've just had to pull out the plug.  If anybody needs to contact me you'd best use ChalkCat or email for the next few hours.

Quote from: Periklēs on Tue  2 Sep 2014, 14:36
Why not use them as entertainng conversation? Ask her very intimate questions and "enjoy" the contact. They'll stop.

My imagination isn't that good...

I haven't received the email from them yet either......
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

My other website:
Instagram: novahowardofficial


Deceitful hypermarketing ... we get them frequently but despite best efforts at prepping an "awkward customer" response, we always seem to get a dead line when we answer, probably because they multidial. Maybe we're just lucky ...


I have found that most of the spam telesales only ring three times then they move on to the next victim. Any number that does not start 922 I dont pick up  and if I do get caught out I just say 'Speake the English'? They quickly put the phone down  :giggle:


Same here usually P. I don't normally answer calls from numbers I don't recognise, but I arranged an appointment this morning and had given them my contact number. I also usually don't let on I speak Spanish until I know who they are but this woman greeted me by my full name, which caught me off guard.
If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know amazing.

My other website:
Instagram: novahowardofficial


Erm, why not just block them?  :017:
[countdown=01,06,2021,13,30][/countdown] until I return to Tenerife! :toothygrin:


I'm not sure you can Michael?  :undecided:

Myrtle Hogan-Lance

@Nova - was the number they called from 900101010? 

If so see here :link:

You can block numbers if you have voice mail with Movistar.  I can't remember what it costs, but it is not too expensive, and there is further info on their site.